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Nebulizer for baby: How they work and how to use

Apr 29, 2023

A nebulizer can help treat certain respiratory conditions in babies and infants.

A nebulizer can help babies and infants take in medication while breathing normally.

In this article, learn about how a nebulizer works, how to keep a baby calm while using one, and how to keep it clean.

A nebulizer is a medication delivery system for aerosolized inhaled medication. It warms up liquid medication to form a fine mist. The baby can then breathe the medicine into their lungs, making breathing easier.

The nebulizer works by pumping pressurized air through the liquid. Once it has formed a fine mist, the baby breathes it in through a mouthpiece or face mask.

To use the nebulizer on the baby:

Some babies find it hard to remain still, and some may even bat away the nebulizer mouthpiece. This may make it difficult for some people to ensure the nebulizer is working. The following tips might help:

Nebulizers are a good option for children with severe breathing issues due to a cough or cold, but it is vital only to use medication that a doctor prescribes and follow their instructions.

With proper use, a nebulizer can clear congestion in babies to help them breathe better. Anyone concerned about safe use can also ask a doctor to demonstrate how to use the device.

A doctor may recommend a nebulizer for an infant if they have swollen airways or experience shortness of breath or any breathing issue that could be due to:

They may have symptoms such as

Nebulizers can deliver a range of prescribed medications, such as:

Always wash the nebulizer after each use, but it also needs a thorough cleaning once a week. To do this:

If a person follows a doctor's instruction and the cleaning guidelines, nebulizers are a safe and effective way to deliver medication to a baby.

Contact a doctor if the baby appears to have more difficulty breathing after using the nebulizer.

It is also vital to monitor the baby, as they can have an unexpected reaction following treatment, especially if it is the first time they are using it.

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